
Printed brochures deliver a very high ROI for many businesses. There are millions of consumers who don’t use a smart phone or computer to buy products or services online. They like to call and speak with someone, and a printed, well designed brochure describing costs and features is just the right sales tool.


A monthly newsletter keeps your name in front of your targeted consumer or client. They may not need you today, or tomorrow, but when the time comes that they do, your name is fresh in their mind. Newsletters should be brief, and contain valuable information that is valuable to your recipient.

Email Marketing

Often overlooked, email marketing is inexpensive and effective, with the highest ROI of any other digital marketing channel. Used in conjunction with high-quality data, a comprehensive email marketing campaign can yield a large number of sales and it can provide powerful insights about future initiatives.

Landing Pages

Every website has a particular function or functions. Some are to build a brand, tell a story, build credibility and reputation, inform or give directions, but many websites exist to harvest leads. These sites are called landing pages and they can be very effective gathering large lists of people who want to be contacted.

Facebook Marketing

In 2012 Facebook passed 1 billion users worldwide, and in 2018 it passed 2 billion. Obviously, this is a good place to be if you want to attract attention to your product or service. But, if you don’t know what you’re doing you can waste a lot of time and money on Facebook advertising. I know what works.

Instagram Marketing

If a picture paints 1000 words, then your Instagram pic has to sell your product or service by appealing to the customer with a strong visual attraction. It has to stir hunger, or thirst, or memories, or something else that makes your target consumer want to buy. Geo-targeting is also a great benefit.

Loyalty Programs

When people visit your website, it’s the perfect opportunity to get their contact information for follow-up sales pitches. Businesses offer coupons and discounts all the time, and customers love them! A well-structured Loyalty Program can be structured to keep customers coming back! 

Website Design

Bold and bright or subdued and conservative, your website reflects who you are as an individual business owner or company. It is the only marketing tool that you control 100 percent and it must be designed right and maintained every day. Your website can harvest new business if it’s set up correctly.