Chicago Content WritingThere is a misconception among many that if you build a website, people will come in droves to see it and call immediately to buy products and services. But it doesn’t work that way. Fierce competition for new business demands that a website must stand out as original, unique, and authoritative to attract the major search engines. A successful marketing strategy can use many channels to reach potential customers, but a website is the foundation for a company’s internet presence. Every website must have new content added on a regular basis to remain visible on the internet. Like a fire in a fireplace, if you don’t add wood, the fire dies.


Search Engine Optimization is a term used by many but understood by few, and the methodologies change constantly. Google has changed their formulas for ranking websites many times and they continue to do so, but the one constant has been that they search for quality, unique content writing. Authoritative writing recognition comes with time, and when your content is linked to by other authoritative sources, you are on the way.

Technical SEO

There are two types of SEO (search engine optimization), technical and content, or writing. Technical SEO Is when the framework of your site, the pages, posts, and pictures are set up in a way to make it easier for the search engines to find you. It’s done in the “back end” of the website and readers will not see it.

SEO Content Writing

SEO is not the complex, mysterious, hocus-pocus rocket science that some people make it out to be. It is mostly a planned program of creating high-quality, original content to your website on a regular basis, using words that people would most likely enter in a search engine to find what they’re looking for. Many marketing studies are proving that the return on investment (ROI) for content writing is superior to pay-per-click, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube ads.

Should you abandon all other forms of digital marketing? No! But it is prudent to examine your results from all channels and adjust accordingly.

In Chicago, and across the country companies seeking SEO services can expect higher rankings after 30 – 90 days after a focused plan is initiated. I will write original content for your website, and attract customers, but you have to write to me first! Email: or call 312-880-7657. Thank you.